No-needle Energetic Acupuncture

There are some adults who are extremely anxious about needles. This has nothing to do with a lack of courage. For those adults, it might be easier to bear more severe pain than imagining the sensation of acupunction needles, no matter how tiny they are.


Little children are also often too young to be suitable for acupuncture treatment as it can cause fear. People with umbilical hernia are  not suitable for naval acupuncture.


For these people, no-needle energetic acupuncture can be a wonderful solution  enabling them to benefit from the magic of acupuncture without the fear of needles.

no-needle energetic acupuncture berlin

How does acupuncture without needles work?

The no-needle energetic acupuncture method combines color therapy based on the 5-elements of Chinese medicine and high-field magnetic therapy.


Colors are frequencies which resonate with other energetic fields, such as meridian points and chakras. The Five Element Theory is the foundation of Chinese disciplines such as feng shui, martial arts, and the I Ching[1]. According to this theory all natural phenomena can be grouped into five natural patterns. The five-elements include internal organs, the interconnected relationships between them, as well as the colors which they react to. By placing colors on certain acupuncture points or/and using high-field magnets over the points, this method can nourish weak organs or control organs which are over-performing to help balance our health system comparable to acupuncture, without having to penetrate needles through the skin.  



Would you like to make an appointment?

If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling an appointment, please feel free to send me a message or give me a call to discuss whether I am the right person for your needs.