What is Energy Medicine?

Do you believe that apart from the seeable, touchable physical world, there is more?

We live in a world of dynamic interacting life energy fields, around and through everything. Everyone has an energy field (or aura), which is beyond the normal ranges of human senses, that surrounds and penetrates into the physical body.


This energy field is closely associated with health. The living sea of universal energy that we exist within gives us life, supports us and nourishes us along our way. Therefore health ultimately depends on how abundantly we can allow life energy to flow within us.

Energy Work Energy medicine Berlin

Disease from the perspective of TCM

Most diseases begin first in the energy field, associated with psychological and/or physical trauma, then through time, consolidate in the body and become an illness. Energy consciousness work goes beyond the usual interpretation of body-psychotherapy into a broader view of us, as human beings, not only with our bodies and emotions, but also with energy fields, that vary in relation to our personalities leading to lasting consequences on the physical dimension.


In energy consciousness work, the therapist helps to recharge, balance and clear the energy field (also known as “aura”), from the physical, more coarse levels up to the very refined spiritual levels. Apart from that, the human energy system also sometimes gives clues about early traumatic experiences, causing beliefs or blocks that could be the underlying reason for physical complaints. Releasing the blocks or the beliefs gives back lots of life energy, which accelerates positive therapy results.    


I am a certified Brennan Healing Science Practitioner®. The scope of learning is profound, involving many healing skills for human energy consciousness, and knowledge about psychodynamics in relation to the human energy field.

Would you like to make an appointment?

If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling an appointment, please feel free to send me a message or give me a call to discuss whether I am the right person for your needs.